City of York Council

Committee Minutes


Health and Wellbeing Board


28 October 2020


Councillors Runciman (Chair), Craghill and Cllr Perrett


Phil Mettam                             Accountable Officer NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group

as substitute for Dr Nigel Wells (Vice Chair HWBB), Chair, NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group


Fiona Phillips                           Assistant Director, Consultant in Public Health,

as substitute for Sharon Stoltz Director of Public Health City of York


Amanda Hatton                       Corporate Director, Children, Education & Communities, City of York Council


Lisa Winward                          Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police


Alison Semmence                  Chief Executive, York CVS


Siân Balsom                            Manager, Healthwatch York


Michelle Waugh                     Humber Coast and Vale Locality Manager

as substitute for Shaun Jones        Deputy Locality Director, NHS England, Humber Coast and Vale


Naomi Lonergan                     Director of Operations, North Yorkshire & York - Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust


Dr Andrew Lee                        Executive Director for Primary Care and Population Health, NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group



Cllr Cuthbertson, Dr Nigel Wells, Sharon Stoltz, Shaun Jones, Simon Morritt, Mike Padgham




8.           Declarations of Interest


Board Members were invited to declare any personal, prejudicial

or disclosable pecuniary interests, other than their standing

interests, that they had in relation to the business on the

agenda.  None were declared.




9.           Minutes


Resolved:  That the minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board held on 30 July 2020 be approved and then signed by the Chair at a later date.




10.        Public Participation


It was reported that there had been one registration to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme


Mr Ocean Melchizedek spoke on behalf of 5G Awareness York

to highlight the potential negative health risks in relation to radiation, the electromagnetic field and lack of testing of 5G.  He expressed concern that these risks were uninsurable.  He reiterated the request he had made at the March meeting of the HWBB, that a  working group be set up to consider these concerns further.


The Assistant Director, Consultant in Public Health, (CYC) responded that in terms of technology within this country, there are guidelines that have been developed internationally which are used by the UK government to determine health protection policies in relation to these kinds of technologies.  Those guidelines are from the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection, and UK providers of technology have committed that they will work within those guidelines in terms of monitoring health impact.  As mentioned, there is various research that gets carried out nationally and internationally.  Public Health England (PHE) is the body that currently monitors the various research that is carried out both within this country and nationally in relation to 5G.  They would then revise any health advice accordingly.  It is a very technical topic and PHE is where the expertise sits, there is not that level of expertise at a local level.  The current position from PHE in relation to 5G technology from their guidance, which they updated in October 2019, states that whilst 5G technology may lead to an increase in overall exposure to radio waves, it is expected that it remains low, relative to those afore-mentioned guidelines and as such, they have concluded that there are no consequences for public health in relation to 5G technology.


Note: [Phil Mettam left the meeting at 5:00pm]




11.        Appointments to York's Health and Wellbeing Board


Board Members considered a report which sought their endorsement of new appointments to its membership and named list of substitutes.  It also requested that existing members review their Register of Interest forms, notifying democratic services of any changes.


The Chair, on behalf of the board, thanked all of the members no longer serving on the board for their valued contributions.


Resolved:  (i)      That The Health and Wellbeing Board

endorse the changes to the membership set out in paragraph 2 of the officer report.

(ii)      That the changes to the membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board be referred to Full Council for approval.

(iii)     That all board members would review their Register of Interest forms, notifying democratic services of any changes.


Reason:     In order to make the necessary appointments to the Health and Wellbeing Board and to ensure transparency in terms of registering interests of its board members.




12.        Report of the Chair of The York Health and Care Collaborative


Board members received the report of the York Health and Care Collaborative (YHCC).  The Collaborative is chaired jointly by Dr Emma Broughton and Dr Rebecca Field.  Dr Broughton was in attendance to present the report and to respond to questions.

Board members considered the working relationship between the board and the YHCC, given that there was cross over in terms of the priorities YHCC had identified in their February 2020 multi-agency workshop and those of the HWBB in areas such as  ‘Ageing Well’ and ‘Mental Health’ and that their work aligned with the aspirations of the HWBB.

Key points arising from board members’ discussion on this item were that YHCC were a great representative of providers for these common goals and were keen to have that two directional relationship with HWBB, to work together to improve the population health outcomes.  YHCC wanted to be more accountable; members suggested through the HWBB, they could ensure that partners were challenged and that the priorities of York’s residents and professionals were recognised and supported.

The HWBB Chair considered that the work of the YHCC sits between strategy and operational work and welcomed the opportunity to receive progress reports and further information on the challenges that YHCC worked with.

Resolved:            The Health and Wellbeing Board:

(i)           Noted the report of the Chair of the York

Health and Care Collaborative.

(ii)          Agreed to receive quarterly reports and

updates from the York Health and Care Collaborative.

(iii)         Invited Dr Emma Broughton, to become a

member of the Health and Wellbeing Board, with Dr Rebecca Field as her substitute.


Reason:              There is a shared objective of improving the health and wellbeing of the population. The York Health and Care Collaborative is unique in bringing together; providers and commissioners of health and social care services (from the NHS and City of York Council), colleagues from City of York Public Health together with the voluntary sector as a means of working on joint priorities to achieve this objective.




13.        Presentation: Mental Health Surge Forecast


The Board received a presentation from Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Trust about the impact of Covid-19 on mental health and potential increases in demand for mental health services over the next 5 years.  The Director of Operations, North Yorkshire and York – Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust, was in attendance to present the report and to respond to questions.

Key points arising from board members’ discussion on this item included the following:

Many of the members agreed that the presentation given had echoed their experiences within their services; York GPs were seeing an increase in loneliness in all age group categories in their patients, similarly mental health concerns in children’s social care; also in Yorkshire police service, it had been noted that there had been an increase in confrontational responses to what would previously have been a simple interaction.  For this reason, members were supportive of the multi-disciplinary approach to mitigate the concerns raised in the presentation and to support existing service provision.  Members were also pleased to note that  these forecasts were disseminated locally and regionally for consideration when planning services and support.

Members discussed the new challenges presented with the second wave of covid, particularly concerns that professional staff that had been on the frontline may be exhausted, resulting in staff absences.  Members also discussed ‘covid fatigue’, without an end in sight, people feeling more helpless or less willing to comply with restrictions.  

The Corporate Director, Children, Education & Communities (CYC) talked about a youth work presentation Show Me I Matter.  In this presentation young people identified that their relationships were most important and it discussed how young people communicate virtually and digitally and were more equipped to maintain relationships with the covid restrictions now in place. It also highlighted that young people respond well to a digital approach in terms of support and learning. It was agreed that this presentation would be circulated to members.

Members discussed informal community activities and initiatives that helped people to feel well or feel normal in a time when we don’t feel normal, and focusing some resources to support this.

Resolved:  That the Health and Wellbeing Board members noted the information held within the

presentation and each committed to:

(i)           considering the potential impact and

preparations within their own organisations and ways that they could respond to an increase in need.

(ii)          Considering and identifying new

opportunities for agencies to work together to meet increasing levels of need in mental health over the next 5 years.


Reason:     To recognise and mitigate the potential risk of increased levels of mental health need within the population of York and to consider how organisations can respond to this need and work together.

14.        York CVS Report: What we did during the Covid-19 lockdown March - June 2020


Board members received a report from York CVS which set out the challenges people experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic from March to June 2020, and how organisations in York responded. The Chief Executive, York CVS and the Healthwatch York Manager were in attendance to present the report and to respond to questions.

Key points arising from board members’ discussion on this item included:

It was reported that York CVS were in the process of planning for a ‘second wave’.  Arrangements to provide those in need of support with food and medicine had already been established, this new wave would be about supporting mental health; loneliness and welfare.  York CVS were in the process of developing a directory outlining what support charities provide and also continue to provide welfare calls.


York CVS were also reinstating welfare volunteers and had recruited a part time co-ordinator to manage this and mentioned that It may prove more difficult to recruit volunteers this time given that it’s winter and that more of the previous volunteers had returned to their substantive posts.


Following a brief discussion on motivating volunteers and ensuring their wellbeing, the Corporate Director, Children, Education & Communities (CYC) talked about the models used in Social Care and it was agreed that further information would be given to the HWBB Co-ordinator to circulate amongst the board.


The Executive Director for Primary care and Population Health, NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group, on behalf of the NHS, thanked York CVS and Healthwatch York for their hard work particularly in supporting those who were unable to access digital support.  This had relieved pressure from front line provision.


Resolved: The Health and Wellbeing Board considered the report and any implications for the ongoing system response to Covid-19.

Reason:     To keep members of the Board up to date regarding the work of the voluntary sector and the challenges people have experienced during the pandemic.




15.        Verbal Update and Presentation: COVID-19 and current situation in York


The Assistant Director, Consultant in Public Health, (CYC)

Gave a presentation on Covid-19 and the current situation in York.


The following information was provided in response to questions from board members:

·        Regionally the rate had been increasing in Yorkshire and Humberside, early indications were that York was stabilising and slowing. 

·        York’s rate was higher than regionally and nationally, which could be due to improvements in the number of people able to receive tests locally in October.

·        A new local contact tracing service had been launched in support of the national tracing service and they would make contact in the instances where the national service had been unable to.  The local tracing service also assisted in signposting service users to relevant information and support they could access. 


Key points arising from board members’ discussion on this item included:

·        A Member enquired whether or not there would be any campaigns communicating that anyone with a cough or raised temperature needed to get a test for Covid-19.  GPs were reporting that patients were wanting to come to practices to see their GP with coughs or colds.

·        In relation to communication, another member suggested that the fact that testing capacity is, only recently, easier to access locally needed to be communicated as previously this had been a concern preventing people from getting tested. 


The Assistant Director noted these comments for feedback to their communications department.




16.        Better Care Fund Annual Report 2019-20, October 2020


The board considered a report which provided an overview of the Better Care Fund (BCF) achievements during the previous financial year, 2019-20 The report included an update on the national planning timetable for Better Care Fund 2020-21.  The Assistant Director – Joint Commissioning People Directorate (CYC), presented the report and introduced Jennifer Allott from Age UK York who explained how they had benefitted from the BCF in that they had been able to build resilience into some of their key projects.

Resolved:            (i)      That the Health and Wellbeing Board

noted the Annual Report 2019-20 of York Better Care Fund.


Reason:               The HWBB is the accountable body for the Better Care Fund. The Policy Framework requires each area to review the performance of the BCF annually.  In York we have strengthened our performance framework which is reported on a quarterly basis, and we have continued our practice of partnership evaluation events to enable all schemes to share their experience and develop the whole system’s learning, knowledge and awareness of BCF.


Resolved:            (ii)      That delegated responsibility for signing

off the BCF Plan 2020-21 be given to the Chair and Vice Chair, supported by the Council’s Corporate Director of People and the CCG Accountable Officer.


Reason:              The meeting date of 28th October is too early in the planning process for the final plan requirements to be known.  The submission date is likely to fall prior to the next meeting of HWBB.




17.        YorOK Board Proposal Report


The above item had been withdrawn to ensure further discussion and development of the report prior to it being presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board.




18.        York Tobacco Control Plan and Smokefree Play Parks Scheme


The board received a report which summarised the York Tobacco Control Plan and the council’s Smokefree Playparks scheme.  The Assistant Director, Consultant in Public Health, (CYC) presented the report and provided responses to questions.

Key points arising from board members’ discussion on this item included:

·        You often see people smoking next to no smoking signs and it was noted that it was not possible to enforce this.  A member suggested that consultation be extended to include smokers so that plans are co-produced with smokers to gain a clearer understanding from a smoker’s perspective of what preventative measures and support would be effective.

·        Regarding the aim to bring smoking down from 11 per cent to 5 per cent, it was suggested that targeted work within lower socio-economic wards amongst pregnant woman and people with mental health concerns would be most effective in bringing the overall number down significantly.   


Resolved:  The Health and Wellbeing Board:

(i)           Endorsed the York Tobacco Control Plan 2020 –



Reason:               So that local partnership efforts to tackle the

rate of smoking in the city were supported, and the health of the population improved.


(ii)          Noted the Smokefree Playparks scheme


Reason:               To support efforts to de-normalise smoking and make it invisible to the current generation of children in our city’




19.        Healthwatch York Reports (For Information Only)


The Board had received two new reports from Healthwatch York, completed for York Multiple Complex Needs Network and NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group respectively.


Resolved: That the Health and Wellbeing Board accepts these reports.


Reason:     To ensure that board members are up to date regarding the work of Healthwatch York.






Cllr Runciman, Chair

[The meeting started at 4.30 pm and finished at 6.25 pm].